
Mass Casuality Triage - So Many Patients, So Little Time.



You will be working individually in this quest.


First, read the three Internet resources listed below:


  1. http://publicsafety.com/article/article.jsp?id=2427&siteSection=18
  2. http://www.citmt.org/start/default.htm
  3. http://ezinearticles.com/?S.T.A.R.T.-Disaster-Triage-When-911-Cant-Come&id=433812

Next, search the Internet for two additional  resources that address the ethical and moral dilemma of triaging the mass casualty incident patients.


Write a position paper (titled: MCI Position Paper) that addresses the ethical and moral dilemma faced by first responders in mass-casualty incidents. Your paper should be at least two to three pages in length (not including the Title Page or Reference List) (double spaced using Arial Font 12); and include an introduction that overviews and defines Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment, a section that compares and contrasts the ethical and moral principles related to single patient incidents and mass-casualty incidents, a section that discusses and defends your position regarding the dilemma, and a conclusion that addresses the effect and implications this dilemma has on the emergency responder.  


In order to facilitate grading and to assure that you have not left out important information, you should set your paper up using section titles that correspond to the required information listed above. Specifically, your paper should include the following sections: (Note: These sections may also be used as an outline to help you build your paper).




                  Ethics and Morals


                  Position Defense




The reference list and all in-text citations must be correctly formatted according to APA Fifth Edition guidelines (see Attachment 1). You must cite the works, ideas, and philosophies from at least five resources (the three assigned Internet resources and at least two additional resources. These references should include scholarly works written by well-regarded authors and researchers. You may not cite websites such as WiseGeek and Wikipedia, and other similar sources; as these are the modern-day equivalent to writing a report out of an encyclopedia.


The following guidelines should also be adhered to:

·         Top Margin – 1”

·         Bottom Margin – 1”

·         Left Margin – 1.25”

·         Right Margin – 1.25”

·         Use Arial Font 12 Throughout

·         Double Space Throughout

·         Title Page – Include: Name, Date,  Title of Assignment (MCI Position Paper)


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