


Step 1:  Before going any further, let's see what you already know about PI.  Send me an email at jhahs@kelsoc-7.k12.mo.us describing everything you know about pi!  Make sure you include your name!

Step 2:  Learn about PI.  Click on the following links and take notes in your math notebook as you watch the videos.

Step 3:  Now you will see if you understand all about how to find the area and circumference of a circle by taking two online quizzes.  After you finish each quiz, right click and print your results.  Write you name on the top of your printout and place it in your Pi Day portfolio for safe keeping!

Step 4:  Hopefully, you have learned lots about the amazing and fabulous number pi by now and are ready to turn the tables and become the "teacher"!  Do some research and plan a fun and educational activity to celebrate PI Day!  Think outside the box!  Do something to teach others about PI!  Is there something you could plan that would involve the whole school?  Even the youngest minds need to know about PI and how Super Important this number is in our world!  Now it is your job to research about how others celebrate Pi Day!  There are an endless number of really great sites that can help give you tons of ideas for your activity.  Create or find an activity that you understand and that you feel you could share confidently with your classmates and/or school that teaches something important about pi.   PI Day is in your hands!  Lets have a blast and learn something to!  Here are a few links that I have found but this is the tip of the iceberg kids!  Search teachertube, youtube, websites, google and other search engines!  The list is endless!  I know how much you guys like to party, so use your imagination and bring on the fun!:)  

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