
2nd Grade Historical Figures



With your group, pick which person you will research. Here are your options again -
Thurgood Marshall
Irma Rangel
John Hancock
Theodore Roosevelt
 Amelia Earheart
 Robert Fulton
 George Washington Carver 
W.E.B Dubois
Use this graphic organizer to record the answers to the five questions you will be answering while you are doing your research:
Where were they born?
What year were they born in?
What did they do that was important to the United States?
When did they die?
Name a fun fact about your person!
While you are researching, please print out at least 4 pictures of your person.  One picture must be of your historical figure.  You other pictures can be of other things that represent what they did that was important to the United States.

After you look up all your information you will each write a paragraph (with all the questions answered) about your person!
Then, get a poster board from your teacher.  With your group, design a poster board about your person. Make sure you include pictures and the information you found from your research! You will present your poster boards to the class!

Here are some links to help you out! 
***Please ask the teacher for login information cards for Brainpop Jr., Pebble Go and Discovery Education.***
**On Pebble Go, click on social studies and then type in your great american citizen's name in the search box**

Thurgood Marshall


Irma Rangel

 http://www.pebblego.com/content/biographies/pgo_player.php  -PebbleGo Biography

http://www.womenintexashistory.org/bios/ -You will have to look for Irma Rangel in the list.  Once you find her, click on her name and the information will appear.

John Hancock:

Theodore Roosevelt:

Amelia Earheart:


Robert Fulton:
George Washington Carver:
http://www.brainpopjr.com/socialstudies/biographies/georgewashingtoncarver/ -Explore George Washington Carver on Brainpop Jr.!
Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about these different people!
Don't forget to click the Evaluation button on the left side so you know what you need to get done! :)

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