
Coming to America



Task 1 Steps:

1. Open up the worksheet (located at the bottom of the webpage) that includes the questions for the virtual field trip
2: Open up http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/tour/ and take the entire virtual tour.  Make sure to look at all of the photos as well. You may refer back to this website at any time during this task.

3: If it is possible to answer any questions on the worksheet, go ahead and answer those questions.  You may go back and add to your answers later on.  

4: Open up http://www.ellisisland.org/genealogy/ellis_island_history.asp  and read through the information given. You may refer back to this website at any time during this task. 

5: Answer any questions on the worksheet you can after reading the text.

6: Read the website http://www.statueofliberty.net/flash/solflashtour_v2.html Make sure to read each section: "The Creation Story", "View Statue Parts Individually", and "Taking the Liberty Tour".

7: Answer any questions on the worksheet you can after reading the text. 

8: Finish up any unanswered questions.  Make sure every question is answered fully and in complete sentences.

9: Check the rubric to make sure all requirements for the worksheet are met.  Save your worksheet on the computer and title it "Ellis Island".  

Task 2 Steps:

1: Before doing the interview you need to study your American history facts. Open http://www.icivics.org/web-quests/immigration and read through the 9 slides written about immigration and the steps immigrants have to go through to become an American citizen.  Use your social studies notebook to take notes on anything you find important to refer to during the interview.   It is not a requirement to take notes because they will not be collected or graded but it will make the interview easier.

2: Read up on your American History facts.  Use http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/places/find/united-states-of-america/ to study up on American history.

3: Now it is time to take a practice test to see if you are ready for your interview. Take this quiz: http://www.studenthandouts.com/01-Web-Pages/New%20Folder%20(3)/Batch-01-MC-INS-United-States-Immigration-Citizenship-Practice-Test-Questions-Multiple-Choice.html It is not going to be a grade.

4. You can also refer to any of the trade books in the classroom: "Here's to You, America" by Charles M. Schultz, "First Facts About U.S. History" by David C. King, and "We the People" by David Catrow. 

5: Open up the word documents (located at the bottom of the webpage) with the questions, there is one worksheet for each partner (each has different questions).  You and your partner take turns interviewing each other where one person is the interviewer and the other is the immigrant.  Your partner will record whether or not the question was answered correctly.  

6: When both you and your partner ready to start Start Menu-->All Programs-->Accessories-->Sound Recorder.  When the first interview is ready to start, press play; when the interview is done press pause; when you are ready to start the second interview press play and when both interviews are done press stop and save the interview on the computer.  Make sure to state names of each partners roles at the beginning of each interview.

7: Refer to rubric to make sure all requirements are included in the interview.  Record score on top of interview paper and save on computer.  Name the document your name.

Task 3 Steps:
1: Start off your investigation by watching a short video from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LllQMQyts0w about an immigrant child’s first day of school in America.

2: Using the two websites: http://teacher.scholastic.com/ACTIVITIES/IMMIGRATION/young_immigrants/ and http://www.myimmigrationstory.com/ read the multiple stories from immigrant children or immigrants who came to America as children. 

3: After reading both websites, you and your partner need to pick your two favorite stories and using the Venn Diagram (attached at the bottom of the webpage), compare and contrast the two experiences. Write at least 5 facts for each of the three sections of the Venn Diagram. 

4: When Venn Diagram is complete, get a piece of poster board, and using the information from the Venn Diagram write about the two experiences.  Include how the two were both different and similar.

5: You can also use any information you have learned from the other activities and websites on your Venn Diagram that may go along with the stories.

6: Add color using markers, crayons, and colored pencils.  Add pictures from Google or hand draw.  Make sure all group members names are written clearly on the back of the poster.

 7: Refer to rubric to make sure every requirement is included on the poster.  Put poster on the back table so it can be graded and hung up in the classroom to display the diverse adventures of immigrants.

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