
Thomas and the Dragon Queen



Step 1)  Each of you need to print a paper copy of the Medieval Society chart (attached at the bottom of this page) before you start your journey.  This chart will allow you to organize your information to complete the tasks of your webquest.  It also contains a vocabulary page with definitions of words from Medival Times.

Step 2)  Your first visit is to villages.  Click on the links below to find out about village life during Medieval Times.  You will write down information about the villagers' daily work, food, clothing and their children’s activities. Think of what it would be like for you if you were living in a Medieval Village.



Step 3)  Next, you will visit towns or cities.  Again, as you and your partner venture through your journey, remember to fill in your Medieval Society chart.  Think of what it would be like for you if you were living in a town or city during the Medieval Times.  Here are the websites that will take you to Medieval towns and cities.



Step 4)  At last, you are going to visit castles.  While you are very excited, refer to what you have learned in class about castle life as you explore the castles.  Do not forget to write down your information.   Think of what it would be like if you were living in a castle during Medieval Times.  The websites below will take you into castle life:




Step 5)  Research dragons and how they fit in to the Medieval Times.  Be sure to add this information into your presentation.



Your journey to Medieval Times is over.  You are back in 2013.  You and your partner will join up with another team who has also completed their journey.  Together you will work on your final presentation to the class. 

Read the rubric on the Evaluation tab before your group starts to work.

In your group of up to 4, discuss your experiences. Refer to the information you gathered from your trip and answer the following questions:

-Who lived in castles and what was it like to live in a castle?

-Who lived in townhouses and what was it like to live in a town or city?

-Who lived in villages and what was it like to live in a village?

-Did Medieval society include an upper class, middle class and lower class?   If yes, who was in each class? 

-How did dragons fit into this time period?

-In which period would you prefer to live (Medieval or present)? Why? (Provide supporting details from your travels to explain your answer.)

-Be creative. You may create a keynote, movie, video, charts, posters, cue cards, or draw pictures with captions as part of your presentation.

Step 6)  After your group discussion, group members need to decide on who will  present what part of the information.

Step 7)  Print Out the Presentation sheets (attached below) and each presenter will write out their own presentation.


Your group will get a group grade for this presentation.  To ensure the best performance of your whole group, group members should help each other.

Step 8)  Present your stories to the class. (10 minutes max per group)


  • File
    Description: Group presenation summary

  • File
    Description: Medieval Society Chart

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