



1. All the group must see the next video about the differnt rooms of the house and the furniture.


2. All the group must learn the vocabulary in the page below (click "siguiente" to see more).


3. All the group must do the next exercises (click "comenzar", write the word of the draw you see and click "corregir" and then click "siguiente" for the next word).



How many are correct? All? Good job!

*You can continue with more activity games as hangman, word search, word match, memory games,.... that are at the end of the same web "practice" choosing your level.

4. All the group must see the next video about prepositions to be able to describe correctly a house.


5. Now, you can start to prepare your POWER POINT presentation describing your house, including photos, and the map of your part of the house done in this web http://es.sp.homestyler.com/designer - you will need to register yourself- (or with PAINT, if you find it very difficult to use).

In your group of four, each member must prepare a description of a room. You can decided between kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or living room.

Remember you can use images, videos,....

VERY IMPORTANT! To describe an object, the adjective goes before the name (Ex: The big green table)

6. Here is more vocabulary to help you (you don't need to learn all it!)http://www.lingolex.com/housen.htm






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