
What Makes a Successful English Learner?



Step 1:

The teacher will share with students some funny and inspiring pictures and quotes about learning English language, to introduce the topic and try to evoke their memories of their own experience in learning English they had in their life and previous schooling (elementary and high school). They may even share some interesting anecdotes with the rest of the class.

Step 2:

Students will be divided into small groups and asked to brainstorm ideas about important qualities that each foreign language learner should have. Then they will explore the Web to find some more information about successful English learning strategies. 

Step 3:

Students will gather all information, organize them  and  try to make a consensus about top ten traits or strategies  of a successful English language learner. They will make a short PowerPoint presentation, explanining briefly each one of these traits or strategies.

Step 4:

Each group should decide who will be presenters of their ideas to the rest of the class. They should practice and rehearse their presentation.

Step 5:

Each group will be given up to 10 minutes to deliver presentation to the class. A brief discussion among different goups may follow afterwards, if time permits, in order to establish top 10 most important qualities and strategies  of a successful English learner.

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