
Nod means "Yes" and Shake means "No" ?



Here we go! Follow these steps:

1. Make a group of three(3)

2. You will make a research of the difference meaning of nod and shake head around the world. You need to search for how each country indicates "yes" and "no" in their way. Mention at least 3-5 countries. \

3. You can interview your  friends or relatives who came from other countries, ask them how they express "yes" or "no". ( optional, it will be better if you do this option)
    It is going to be great if you record how they express agreement and disagreement through video :D

4. Make a brief presentation of it, and also make a paper of your research.

5. Present your findings and collect your paper two(2) weeks from now.


Video of Bulgaria Gestures

Description: this is the example of differ culture of expressing agreement and disagreement

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