
Fashion History Webquest



  • State Standards / Competencies Addressed: 

    1. Identify the principles of fashion
    2. Identify highlights of fashion history.
    3. Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills
    4. Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills
    5. Demonstrate information technology skills
    6. Demonstrate andunderstanding of Internet use and security issues


    You will create a teaching tool, a powerpoint describing the influences of the fashion of the time period . 

    Step 1:  Search on the internet or in books for information on your time period.  Make sure that you record the address of the websites you view so that you can include them in your work cited.

    You may use the attached links to get started but I want you to branch out and use other resources too.








    Step 2: Once the research is complete you will then use MS Powerpoint to create a presentation that is specific to your Fashion Time Period /Style.  The presentation needs to have a minimum of 10 slides.  All resources need to be sited.

    Step 3:  Use the following format for your presentation:

    • Cover Page:      Name your Presentation and give us a “tease” of what fashions we will see throughout your presentation.


    • Page 1:            Up and coming trends for the time. (historical moments occurring what has influenced fashion, popular colors / textures, movies and media influences etc.)


    • Page 2:            Designer’s, labels and trends that influenced the style inclued pictures of the Designers Fashions and a paragraph bio about the designer.


    • Page 3-4:        Each page needs to have pictures of types of garments/fashions worn during the time periods selected.  Be sure to have a descriptions of the style for each picture.


    •  Page 5-9: Be sure to include the following in these pages with pictures
    •           Fashion influences made by a particular person in the time period
    •           Events of the time period that influenced the Fashion of the Time
    •           Cultural events that influenced or changed clothing
    • Page 10:            Work Cited


    Step 4: Print your Powerpoint with three slides to a page


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