
New York Stock Exchange



For years the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Wall Street have been on the daily news, there have been movies made about it, and many fortunes have been earned and lost by what goes on in the stock market. Therefore, I think it's important to have a quick look at a video from the floor of the NYSE and the individuals that work there. See the resources below for the video.

In this step, you will use the NYSE table poster and the worksheet in the resources below to begin the process of understanding the New York Stock Exchange by looking at some basic terms and their definitions. Complete the Part 1 of the worksheet.

Now, it's time to go to the money sites to look at specific stock tables. There are so many great sites that can be used. I have included Yahoo Finance, MSN Money Central, and Google Finance. Use one of these sites to complete Part 2 of the worksheet used in the previous step by keying in the stock symbol to locate the information. Try them all out to decide which one is easier for you to follow.


Understanding the terms associated with the stock market are important to making educated decisions about investment. Based on what you have learned thus far about General Electric and Whirlpool, answer the following questions on my website in the comments section and submit to me.

A. Which stock would you invest in today and why?
B. How does dividend affect a stock's yield?
C. As an investor, do you want a stock to have a high or low PE ratio?

Access the multiple choice quiz on the left. There are 5 questions worth 5 pts each. At the bottom, type in your name and submit. Complete this step before proceeding

For your final task and assessment, you must choose one stock that you wish to invest in. After you have chosen a stock, you must prepare a short report and presentation explaining why you decided on that stock. The report and presentation should include the following information:

1.  The name of the stock and some background on the company. What does it produce? How long has it been around? How many offices does the company have? Is it an International company? Where are the company's offices?

2.  Details on the stock. What is it currently trading at? What has it done over the past year? What were it's high's and low's?

3.  At least two recent news items. Is the company releasing any new products? Is it merging with anyone else?

4.  Explain why you would or wouldn't invest in this stock. Use specific data to back up your decision. In your explanation, use terms such as the P/E, news items, historical figures, etc.

NOTE: Please consult the rubric for grading of the presentation. Report should be created using MLA formatting.

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