


Now let's see the lesson plan which contains a series of activities to be developed duting the class section: 

1). warm- up: Monteria city Map. 
Aim: to introduce the topic of places in the city.
Procedure: students are shown a map of Monterķa which contains some places' shape such as the hospital, the bank, the park etc.
the teacher will show some images that are related to places' shape and with their descriptions. After that, students are expected to put the images according to the places' shape.

2). Game: I go/ She goes
Aim: to encourage students to practice some expressions and vocabulary.
Procedure: students are asked to make groups and follow an useful expression. e.g. I go to the park, she goes to the park and i go to the restaurant. and so on...

3). Story: Mary's day
Aim: to promote the students' ability to guess while the teacher is reading a story with some language phrases and expressions.
Procedure: the teacher will read a story about Mary; this story describes the different places where she will go during the day, while the teacher is reading the students are asked to guess the next place she will go.

4). Matching Activity
Aim: to relate each image with its description 
Procedure: students are given a copy with some pictures and descriptions according to the tale they already heard. Then, pupils are required to match the picture with the description given in the previous activity and colour the pictures.

5). Secret Code
Aim: to practice the words and vocabulary related to places in the city.
Procedure: First, the teacher put some clues around the classroom.
 students are given a mission in which they are asked to be "spycats" and find the villain RATTY  that is hidden at any place of the classroom that is representing the city so pupils will catch Ratty. 

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