
How to Survive a High School Math Class



All of the tasks for this projects are located under the TASK tab, but here is a highlight of what the students will be doing:
          - Each member of the three-person teams will be responsible for researching their assigned component of this project.
          - Each component has a number of questions that need to be answered for the project that will help the student to learn and understand the material they are looking up.
          - Each component has a number of website links that will allow the students to do their research on valid and academically sound websites that will provide good information.

Here is a list of sites that correspond with each team member of the project that are listed below. They are ordered by the number on the far-left side of each entry:
           - Person 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
           - Person 2: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
           - Person 3: 10, 11, 12, 13

Once the students have completed their research, they will do the following, prior to the presentation:
           - Compile all data found separately and go through and organize what was found
           - Use the data to answer their individual questions
           - Put all of their research and the questions with the answers into a group paper

The purpose of this paper is to have a clean copy of the group's research and findings that can help the team when it comes time to present their findings The paper must fit the following criteria:
           - typed 
           - double-spaced,
           - 12 pt. font
           - 3 and 4 pages in length
           - established which group member did the research of each component when discussed
Since it is a group paper, only one needs to be handed in for all three members, but the grade on the paper will be the same grade all three members receive.

After they have compiled all of their data together in a paper, the teams can move onto the next stage of this project: putting their answers into a presentation. Here are ways in which they can present their findings, but note that students are not limited to these options:
           - A Powerpoint presentation in which each member of the group will present their individual components to the class.
           - A poster or posters that have their results in an organized and neat way that is easy to read and that answers all questions. Each member will present their own component.
           - An informal presentation in which the students lead the class in a mini-discussion. In order to go with this format or presentation, the team must have a minimum of 3 handouts for all classmates, including a broucher that has the questions and answers
           - A movie in which their findings are presented in a unique and entertaining way. The movie must be at least 3 minutes yet not more than 8 or so minutes and be appropriate for the class.

Finally, once the teams have done their research, answered the questions through a paper, and presented their finding to the class, they are done. This project will be out of a total of 100 points, which is broken down in the next tab (EVALUATION).

Here is a calendar breadown of how the project will progress. The due dates are fairly set in stone, but can change:
           - Day 1:.........................Project Assigned; Groups Formed; Research Begins
           - Days 2 - 5:..................Research Continues
           - Days 6 - 7:..................Research Compiled; Begin Work on Papers
           - Day 8:........................Group Papers Due; Begin Work on Presentations
           - Days 9 - 11:.................Work on Presentations
           - Days 12 - 14:...............Presentations

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