

Creating a podcast without a microphone or expensive equipment.

The very EASIEST way to create a PODCAST is by using VOCAROO.  It doesn't have the sound quality of the TECH TOOLS below, but it is free, and easy to use and share.  It just depends on what you or your teacher wants from your PODCAST.

You can create podcasts using only a computer that has an Internet connection and a telephone by going to ipadio.com, a free service.

  1. ipadio.com account. Go to ipadio.com and create a FREE account. (You need a working email address to do this. Use your GOOGLE email for this.)  (IMAGE 1)   (IMAGE 2)

(NOTE:Your school may have this site blocked; have your teacher go to the IT folks to see if can be unblocked.)

  1. Record. With your piece ready, or your thoughts collected, call the TOLL FREE number that is provided by ipadio.com. Follow the prompts and then record your piece. When done, hang up.
  1. Download. Return to ipadio.com, sign in and you'll see the most recent "phonecast" and a little button to "Download mp3." Click it. It will download to the folder you have set in your browser preferences, or you can choose a folder. 
  1. Upload The mp3 file to your GOOGLE DRIVE folder for this quarter. Scroll down and click "save" at the bottom. You did it!


Creating a Podcast using a microphone and an audio recording program. If you have equipment -- an inexpensive microphone, or the one that came on your computer is fine -- record yourself and save as a mp3 file and upload to your GOOGLE DRIVE folder. 

The simplest way to create a"podcast" is to read your piece into a microphone or digital recorder or into the built-in microphone on your computer. Details:

  • If your computer doesn't have audio software, Audacity, is an easy, free program that can be downloaded by clicking here. (This is to download at home, you can’t download software at school)  ALL THE COMPUTERS IN MR. BEAVERS' CLASS ALREADY HAS THIS SOFTWARE ON THEM.  Check the desktop.

This will allow you to do all sorts of editing to your piece to make sure it sounds just right, if you want. One tricky part is that you also have to download something called a lame.dll file: don't sweat the details,  and put it in the Audacity program folder! This file is necessary to export your recording as an mp3; the first time you do it, you'll be asked to locate the lame.dll file which you can do by pointing the program to the lame.dll file you dutifully put in your Audacity folder. (It will never ask you to do this again and you will never have to think about it again!)


iPhones have an app called VOICE MEMOS already built into the phone.  This is another option for creating a PODCAST.  Record it, then save and upload it to your GOOGLE DRIVE.  This WEBSITE will help with using VOICE MEMOS. 


Image 1
Description: Setting Up ipadio.com account
Image 2
Description: Adding information to your CHANNEL on ipadio.com

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