
�Vamos a Costa Rica!


Areas of Evaluation

Level 1 � Does not meet standard

Level 2 � Evidence of effort

Level 3- Acceptable

Level 4 � Expert!

Lab Time/Class time

Delay in starting; not focused; little accomplished

Sometimes off-focus; More could have been accomplished

Began work; Showed interest; Began to fill in Travel Document

Amazing focus and excellent use of time.  Results evident!

Travel Document

Messy, incomplete

Missing, inaccurate or incomplete answers

Completed; mostly accurate answers  

Detailed, neat, accurate, evidence of careful reading

Group Participation

Limited contributions; non-participatory

Some participation but little leadership; mostly listened.

Shared ideas; helped get group focused.

Leadership evident; Helped define group presentation; kept group on task

Presentation: Content & Format

Is that all you have to share?  Definitely not an expert!

I need to know & see more!

What you shared is ok, but limited�.

Solid presentation.  Almost �expert�.  Visuals aided comprehension.

Captured group�s interest with clear visuals and interesting information.   Lots of detail and evidence of �expertise�

Presentation: Pronunciation

What language are you speaking?! 

More practice needed.  Difficult to understand.

Some errors but did not interfere with comprehension.

Amazing pronunciation.





Teacher Notes:  (I will use http://roobrix.com/ to determine grade:  4 levels/5 criteria; 60% passing)








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