
Pizz-A-Thon (research, explore, discover and create)


Based on my experience in testing the program, working with Geff Gescheidler and Todd Jorgensen in Ames Boys & Girls Club of Story County, the program can be highly effective in providing fun cross-disciplinary activities for the boys and girls involved. In addition to reviewing pages on this lesson/activity web site, please review the overview of the program on the Blog  www.pizzathon.wordpress.com . See more on the Boys & Girls Club at bottom of page.

In the Scout Pizz-A-Thon consider earning badges in Art, Careers, Communications, Computer fun, Creative Solutions, Drawing and Painting, Family Living, A Healthier You, Lets Get Cooking, Math Whiz, Money Sense, Outdoor Cook, Science Discovery, Science in Every Day Life, Visual Arts, 

Write All About It, and the Girl Scout Junior Pin or the Boy Scout Eagle.

Boys and Girls will gain:

  • development of practical life skills
  • development of critical think skills
  • promotion of cooperation and team building
  • a feeling of connection to their communities
  • a feeling of empowerment to make a difference in the world
  • a new view of career opportunities

Experiences to assist in "Building  Courage, Confidence, Character, Who Make the World a Better Place."


This is an opportunity to work towards requirements of Girl and Boy Scout Badges, including FOOD, FIBERS AND FARMING. And if one would choose to help coordinate the program...could lead to the GOLD Award!


Select Badge Activity (from Facilitator Page)

__1. Social Studies -draw a picture of your favorite pizza topping; trace to origin using connecting lines.

__2. Social Studies   -taste and guess the kind

__3. Social Studies  -math friends and relatives to determine the preference of pizza.

__4. Social Studies & health -create “Team’s Prize Pizzas” analyze for healthiness, research ingredients

          back to origin, including careers involved in the transition. (can be individual or team activity)      

__5. Language Arts- “team 5 minute marketing presentations,” including associated careers.

__6. Art competition -logo to use in marketing your pizza (individual member or team activity).

__7. Art competition place mat kids-entertained for your pizzeria …you might want to recognize 

          sponsors (individual or team activity).

__8. Multiple subjects competition-teams bake pizzas, have a tasting contest, give marketing report


__9. Science Natural Resources -compare growth plant/root growth explore and discover how

          sweetcorn plants and roots vary when grown in topsoil sand/subsoil. (importance of soil 

          conservation-protecting the topsoil and water resources)


Consider VIRTUAL: Participants can become Virtual  Scouts via this "Virtual Pizz-A-Thon" on the Internet. See  Scout page on the blog below in Resources and the Student Plan page on this web site for member activities. Consider having scouts post their journal highlights at the bottom of the Scout page of the blog.

If time is limited, consider "Virtual Pizz-A-Thon 'Shortcut'" on the Facilitator Page.



With some advanced planning, advanced Scouts could be actively involved in workshop planning and implementation, working toward their advancement in rank - earning a stipend.

Pizz-A-Thon is a Flexible Program to Fit Time Limits

Could consider testing the Pizz-A-Thon by one troop, an inner city or recruiting event.


Order from online Boy Scout Store: www.boyscoutstore.com

Have Fun in team competition as you work to complete   Boy Scout Merit Badges and Patches:

Earn Boy Scout Merit Badges

art       computers       gardening        journalism       cooking            entrepreneurship

path finding                 salesmanship              environmental science           plant science

public speaking           soil and water conservation   communications        

Which Boy Scout Patch would you like to earn?

cook crew        soil and water conservation   environmental science           Communications

food systems

See www.mississippivalleybsa.org Illinois/Iowa

See www.hawkeyebsa.org Cedar Rapids, IA

The Pizz-A-Thon can be well adapted for Scout Pathways:

Events-Series-Travel-Troops-Virtual-and Camp.

Today's Souts are Tomorrow's Leaders. Consider the Pizz-A-Thon for developing leadership skills!

 (See Awards/Sponsor page-
there are free awards if sponsors are supporting the program)

Pizz-A-Thon Addresses Boys & Girls Club Development

  • Education & Career Programs:

Help youth create aspirations for the future, providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement.

  • Character & Leadership Programs:

Help youth become responsible, caring citizens and acquire skills for participating in the democratic process is the main thrust of these programs. They also develop leadership skills and provide opportunities for planning, decision-making, contributing to Club and community and celebrating our national heritage.

  • Health & Life Skills:

Develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals and live successfully as self-sufficient adults.

  • The Arts Programs:

Enable youth to develop their creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts and creative writing.

For Awards see the Awards/Sponsor page, and the SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY page on the blog:  www.pizzathon.wordpress.com .

Play Hangman Game to review words associated with the Pizz-A-Thon.

Create Pizza for astronauts stranded on Mars.

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