
Pizz-A-Thon (research, explore, discover and create)

"Grow Your Own"


The Pizz-A-Thon is designed to be independent student "experiential learning."

          (See the "Photos & Sponsor" page to view pictures from the past.)

Consider using the pre/post test on the "Quiz" page to evaluate your Pizz-A-Thon activities.

Where possible, growing at least some of the team's "Prize Pizza" in a garden or greenhouse would be a wonderful experience for tracing the ingredients from "slice to soil." 

In the 1990s, I worked with Smithfield Elementary School in North Carolina to incorporate the Pizz-A-Thon into their curriculum. They had a garden on their school grounds and elected to have their teams grow some of their ingredients. One year they flew their winning team to Ames and participated in the Iowa State Pizz-A-Thon competition. It was an exciting time for them and the Iowa students to get acquainted, have fun together and compete in the baking and marketing competition. E. Weber

For those who want to participate in this option, complete appropriate Units, based on your time schedule, as described in the Student Plan and Facilitator Pages(Companion blog javascript:nicTemp())

Post your journal highlights at the bottom of the Garden Pizza page in Resources below.
Learn How to Plant and Manage a Garden

In teams, arrive at ingredients on your "prize pizza" using the following and other websites for research.



Green Peppers





If you have other ingredients not listed, search on Google for web sites with background information.

Is my ingredient healthy?
Now that you know where your ingredient comes from, we need to know if it is healthy.  Finish filling out the nutritional information part of your research.



Grow Your Own 

You’ll need a container filled with topsoil. 

48” window box with holes drilled in bottom for drainage or a raised bed in the yard would be ideal. 

A list of ingredients you may want to grow:

Tomato Plant 

Basil Plant 

Oregano Plant

Garlic Bulb 

Onion Set 

Bell Pepper Plant 

Bark Mulch 

Enough topsoil to fill box ¾ full 

Fill window box ¾ full with soil.  Dig holes for plants, according to 

the order listed above.  Place plants in holes and cover with soil.  

Add bark mulch, leaving about 1” from top of window box.  Place 

widow box in sunny outdoor area and water thoroughly.  Check 

water needs daily.  When the top inch of soil is dry, water 


Unit One in Student Plan page activities will be appropriate for you to check the soil in your garden.

See the blog page Virtual Pizz-A-Thon and SPONSOR OPPORTUNITY pages for information on the awards. See Recipe "Prize Pizza" page for the creative names and recipes winning in the past. Also see that page for the first pizza.

For more detail concerning opportunities and reporting what you have planned in growing your own ingredients for your "Prize Pizza" email e1935w@aol.com or post the information on the bottom of the "Garden Pizza" page on the blog (see Resource below).

The blog site   javascript:nicTemp() will give you background information, pictures, a place to record your journal highlights and an opportunity for you to ask questions.  See the blog "Students Learn While Having Fun" (bottom of page) for example of Resource Word Documents (charts) associated with activities. 

If you preferred, individuals and/or teams could keep their notes or reports on the Word documents below and they could be printed.  One can modify, delete or add activities.


Alternative Source of Resouces - Charts For Research Activities on "Students Learn While Having Fun" page of:  javascript:nicTemp(); 

For the following Word Files,  click on the highlighted file name and then click on the box in the lower left corner to download the charts/illustrations.

Student Plan UNIT ONE 5-18-12 Explore and discover quality soil and gain an appreciation for protecting it.

Student Plan UNIT TWO 5-18-12 Research as to what is the best pizza for the future. 

Student Plan UNIT THREE 5-18-12 Develop a logo, place mat and marketing  your ideas for promoting your “Prize Pizza” and Pizzeria.

Student Plan UNIT FOUR 5-18-12 Prepare for competition -judging and or demonstrating.

Soil-Root Link To Conservation 4-27-12 Importance of Soil and water conservation! The force of the raindrop as it hits an unprotected soil surface starts the erosion process.

Web Page Conservation 4-4-12 Answers to Soil and Water Conservation Questions.

 Tracing Pizza Flow Chart 4-7-12 Trace ingredients from “slice to soil.”

Food and Fiber Cycle 5-17-12 Trace the different stages of food and the many careers involved in creating your “Prize Pizza.”

Logo  placemat 4-8-12 Be creative in designing your pizzeria logo and place mate to attract attention, providing fun activities as kids wait for their pizza.

Business-Health Worksheet 5-26-12 Calculate profit and calories.

Research Market Your Pizza 4-8-12 It is important that your marketing research team be creative in attracting customers in wanting to eat your “Prize Pizza.” 

Create Pizza for astronauts stranded on Mars.


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