
Introduction to Netball

The sports of Netball


What is Netball?

Netball is a ball sport played by two teams of seven players. Games are played on a rectangular court with raised goal rings at each end.
The object is to score goals from within a defined area, by throwing a ball into a ring attached to a 3.05 metres (10 feet) high post.
Players are assigned specific positions, which define their roles within the team and restrict their movement to certain areas of the court. During general play, a player with the ball can hold onto it for only three seconds before shooting for a goal or passing to another player.
The winning team is the one that scores the most goals. Netball games are 60 minutes long but variations have been developed to increase the game’s pace and appeal to a wider audience.

What is the overhead pass

the overhead pass is the one to use. Tall defenders can reach up and intercept the ball, so you must put plenty of power into the pass. STEP ONE. Spread your fingers around the ball but don't let it rest on your palms. STEP TWO. Aim between your team-mate's head and their chest - this should help them catch the ball easier.

What is the chest pass

The chest pass is the most accurate way of getting the ball around the court. As well as getting the ball into the attacking zone, the pass is often used at throw-ins. STEP ONE. Your hands should form a W behind the ball. STEP TWO. When making a pass, step forward with one foot. STEP THREE. Keep your elbows close to your body and push through with the ball. 

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