
newton's laws of motion



Have you ever wondered why cars have seat belts and airbags?
Or why an empty shopping trolley is easier to push than a full one?
What about why a balloon flies off when the air is let out of it?
All of these questions can be answered and explained using Newton's Laws of Motion. Your role as a research ambassador is to investigate these laws and how they affect our everyday lives.
Newton's Laws of Motion:
1st: An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
2nd: Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass of the object being accelerated the greater the amount of force needed to accelerate the object.
3rd: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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