



What is Descriptive Text?
1. The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text
    Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
    Descriptive text has structure as below:
    Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.
    Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
3. The Language Feature of Descriptive Text
    Using attributive and identifying process.
    Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.
    Using simple present tense

Here is the example:

                                                                                                            Borobudur Temple

       Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located at Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. The temple is about 100 km in the west of Semarang, 86 km to the west of Surakarta, and 40 km in the west of Yogyakarta. The stupa that shaped the temple was founded by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism’s around the year of 800 AD on the Sailendra dynasty. Borobudur temple is the largest Buddhist Temple and also the world’s largest Buddhist monument.

     This monument comprises six terraces with difference shaped squares on which there are three circular courtyard on the above, the walls adorned with 2.672 relief panels and there are 504 original Buddha statues. Borobudur has the most complete collection of Buddhist aid and the largest ones in the world. The main largest stupa is located n the middle of the building on which it is also crowned the building surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated stupas in which there is buddha statues sitting cross-legged inside with hands perform lotus hearts perfect position with mudra (hands shape) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel of dharma).

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