
The Fight About Poverty



Did you know that as a kid you have rights to do stuff you want to do?  You have the right to clean water, food, housing, education and to be safe.  We tend to take these rights for granted.   (You can read more about these rights below.)

Can you imagine living in a country walking 5km just to get a bucket of water? Or spending most of your day looking for food or working to earn money for your family and not going to school just as a kid?  Imagine getting sick and not having access or enough money to see a doctor or to get medicine.  Sadly, this is daily life for some children in our world.

Fortunately, there are non-profit organizations that have been set up to raise money, awareness and to provide help to people in need, all over the world. These organizations have done some amazing work.

This WebQuest focuses on the positive solutions and success stories that have come about through the dedication, support and commitment of people who have donated their time and resources in the fight against poverty.

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