
Parts of Speech



Hello!  Welcome to the Parts of Speech Web Quest!  We will be learning about and reviewing the eight parts of speech. Today, we will be working together and using the Internet to learn about and review the eight parts of speech. This concept is very important because, let's face it, without the parts of speech, we would be grunting at each other like cavemen!  More than just knowing what they are, we are also going to learn their jobs in sentences, and how to use them properly.

Take a look at this poem to get an idea about the parts of speech.

PARTS OF SPEECH POEM every name is called a NOUN,
                       As a field and fountain, street and town;               
In place of noun the PRONOUN stands

As he and she can clap their hands;

The ADJECTIVE describes a thing,
As magic wand and bridal ring;

The VERB means action, something done-
To read, to write, to jump, to run;

How things are done, the ADVERBS tell,

As quickly, slowly, badly, well;

The PREPOSITION shows relation,

As in the street, or at the station;

CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways,

Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase;

The INTERJECTION cries out, "Hark!

I need an exclamation mark!”

Through poetry, we learn how each

of these make up THE PARTS OF SPEECH.

See? Each word plays a role in a sentence.

To understand other, more difficult grammar concepts, we need to know the parts of speech first.  This is the basis and building block to everything grammar related. By the end of the Web Quest, you will be a Parts of Speech Pro! 

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