




This webquest introduces you to the health and wellness benefits of cardiovascular fitness and tells you how build your level of cardiovascular fitness. Level 2 activities on the Physical Activity Pyramid (active aerobics and active sports and recreation) lead to cardiovascular fitness. Lesson 1 begins by describing the components of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It describes the benefits of physical activity on your cardiovascular health and explains how you can assess your cardiovascular fitness. In the self-assessment, you’ll use one method of cardiovascular fitness assessment—the step test and one-mile run—to determine your cardiovascular fitness rating.

Lesson 2 discusses the best types of activity you can do to improve your cardiovascular fitness. A FIT formula for cardiovascular fitness describes how much cardiovascular activity is enough. The Taking Charge and Self-Management Skill activities explain the importance of self-monitoring, or keeping track of, your physical activity through an activity log. By self-monitoring your physical activity, you can keep up with your progress toward achieving your fitness goals.

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