



# Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
Ability to work effectivey in a group. Unable to work effectively with a group or by him-herself with minimun accuracy. Unable to work effectively with a group but does work effectively by him/herself with miniun accuracy. Able to work effectively with a group or by him/herself. Able to work effectively with a group or by him/herself. %25
Draw conclusions about how and why tornadoes are formed. Conclusions had no relevance to the assigned material. Conclusions were relevant to the assignment but were unclear. Conclusions were relevant to the assignment and clearly thought out. Conclusions were relevant and insightful to the assigned project and clearly thought and explained out. %25
Each student in the group are able to identify the characteristicsof a tornado. Unable to clearly identify characteristics of a tornado. Unable to identify characteristicsof a tornado but were able to explain with prompting how they occur. Able to identify the characteristicsof a tornado. Able to insightfully identify the characteristicsof a tornado. %25
Each student can explain why changes in the atmosphere affects this phenomenom. Explanation is unclear and indecisive Explanation is unclear, but decisive about how changes in the atmospheric conditions affects the weather. Explanation is clear and decisive about how changes in the atmospheric conditions change, but could use a little more insight. Explanation is clear and insightful, as well as decisive, about how changes in the atmosphere affects the weather. %25

Total Score: %100

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