
The Interview Process




Does the student have an appropriate career field to base his or her research upon?2 - Yes, the student has selected an appropriate career field to use for his or her research1 - The student has selected a career but it is not necessarily appropriate for the nature of this project0 - The student has not selected an appropriate career choice; no effort
Did the student create a resume that was appropriate for the selected career choice?2 - Yes, the student created a presentable and appropriately designed resume for the the selected career

1- The student created resume however,  it is not necessarily appropriate for the the selected career

0 - The student did not create a resume; no effort
Did the student compose a four paragraph, double spaced reflection on their experiences with the project?

2 - Yes, the student wrote a four paragraph, double spaced reflection that was highly detailed and informative

1 - The student wrote three paragraphs or less, did not use proper spacing, and the reflection that was only somewhat detailed and informative

0 - The student did not write or submit a reflection; no effort

Did the student report to class on Mock Interview day professionally dressed? Did they execute their interview?

2 - Yes, the student reported to classed presentably and professionally dressed and executed their mock interview

1 - The student reported to classed in professional dress but had minor appearance issues and exuded a few issues during their interview

0 - The student did not participate in a mock interview; no effort

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