
Business Plan Part 1



Venture Plan- Daily Productivity Journal   /300 Marks

Step 1: Start an Excel Document
Step 2: Rename worksheet 1 to Nov 2- Nov 5
Step 3: Each WEEK between now and the end of the year should be on a separate excel worksheet
Step 4: Make a table with the Date across rows , the questions down column A
Step 5: Ensure your have proper assignment formatting on each worksheet and your file is named properly
Step 6: Submit this journal at the end of each week into the appropriate D2L Dropbox

Questions to Answer and Reflect Upon Daily:

 What have you individually accomplished today?
 What has your group accomplished today?
 How is the group working together? 
 Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 about your productivity during the work period? 

See Attached Venture Plan-Daily Productivity Journal to see the ratings of the 1-5 scale. These descripions must be included in your daily journal entry.





# Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 Score
Content Demonstrates a clear and concise understanding of the business planning process Demonstrates an understanding of business planning process Presents a basic understanding of the business planning process Presents some understanding of business planning model 25
Analysis Superior level analysis. High quality analysis. Good quality analysis. Basic quality analysis. 30
Research A superior quality report. Thouroughly researched. A high quality report. Thouroughly researched. A good quality report. Good research A basic quality report. Satisfactory research. 30
Language Uses superior quality language. Uses high quality language. Uses good quality language. Uses basic quality language. 15

Total Score: 100

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