
English Accent and American Accent



You will be evaluated in three ways:

1. Teacher's Evaluation 60% (see the rubric below)
2. Self Evaluation 25% (see the attached document)
3. Classmates' Evaluation 15% (see the attached document)


# Unsatisfied Marginal Satisfactory Very Good Score
Content of the Project The record gathered is not accurate and it is very short There is some record lacking There is enough record achieved but did not accurate There is enough record achieved by the students and it is accurate 45%
Team Work There were many absences that resulted in pair work Students did participate but did not worked cooperatively as a pair Students worked cooperatively as a pair Students shows the cooperative side at the end of presentation 10%
Presentation Low students-interest and awkward presentation style Medium students-interest and well presentation style High students-interest and brilliant presentation style Outstanding presentation styl 15%
Individual Task Unlogical explanation, grammatical or spelling errors Uninteresting issue, grammatical errors and misspelling Interesting issue, grammatical errors Excellent issue, misspelling and grammatical errors 30%

Total Score: 100%

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