
Early Civilizations: Mayan, Aztec and Incan Civilizations



You will be graded on your team work, content knowledge, presentation and individual work. You are expected to work well with your group, communicate with them well and share information with one another. You are expected to gain a full understanding of the Maya, Aztec and Inca cultures and show this understanding through your presentation and individual work.


# 1: Unsatisfactory 2: Satisfactory 3: Good 4: Excellent Score
Team Work You didn't work very well with your group. You worked with your group, communicated a little and participated minimally in your group research. You worked with your group well but didn't communicate as well as you could have and didn't participate in your group research as well as you could have. You worked perfectly with your group, communicated clearly and participated fully in your group research. 30%
Content Knowledge You only covered some of the information you were asked to and left most of it out. You covered most of the information you were asked to. You covered all of the information you were asked to, in detail and added some additional information. You thoroughly covered all of the information you were asked to, in detail and even added lots of additional information. 30%
Presentation You made a presentation but missed most of the information in it. You made a presentation but missed some of the information in it. You made an interesting and informative presentation. You made an interesting and informative presentation and involved the rest of the class in your presentation. 20%
Individual Work Your work was completed but wasn't completely clear and you missed some information or some of your information was incorrect. Your work was clear but there was some information that was incorrect. Your work was clear and accurate. Your work was clear, accurate and easy to read. 20%

Total Score: 100% (16 pts.)

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