
Ancient Egypt




# Beginning = 1 Point Developing = 2 Points Accomplished = 3 Points Exemplary = 4 Points Score
Content Knowledge Content of the project provides only basic knowledge. Content of project is relevant but not detailed. Content of the project is relevant and details have been added. Content of the project is immediately apparent, developed in detail, and relevant to the project. %25
Conventions Many spelling, synax, and/or grammatical errors. Moderate number of spelling, syntax, and/or grammatical errors. Few syntax, spelling, and/or grammatical errors. Clear, concise, well written content with no syntax, spelling, and/or grammatical errors. %25
Technical Elements No evidence of text or graphics manipulation. Minimal use of text and graphic design tools and techniques. More extensive use of text and graphic design tools and techniques. Advanced design tools and techniques are used often and effectively for both text and graphics. %25
Appearance, Layout, and Design Project lacks balance, organization, and interest to the viewer. Project reflects minimal balance and organization. Content is not very interesting or visually appealing. Project reflects some balance and organization. Content is moderately effective in capturing the viewer's interest. Project is well balanced, organized, visually appealing, and very effective in capturing the viewer's interest. %25

Total Score: %100

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