
How Good is Great?




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Gathering information and recording it. (mean, median, and mode) Has only one of the required measures. Computation is correct. Contains two required measures. Computation is correct. Contains all three required measures. Computation is correct. Contains all of the information requested on the information page. All computations are correct. %25
PowerPoint Pages Is not logical. Lacks a clear beginning, middle and end Makes sense, but may lack an introduction or conclusion. Is clear and well-organized. Contains a distinct beginning, middle and end. Is clear and well-organized. Contains a distinct beginning, middle and end. Includes graphics. %25
Presentation Poorly read/performed; minimal eye contact. Read/performed adequately. Read/performed with some degree of preparation. Outstanding performance or reading, with good eye contact and connection to audience. %25
Creativity Copied from resources with no original thought. Some original thought, no clear information. Some original thought, adequate information. Original writing or scholarship or an innovative use of existing material. Captured attention of audience. %25

Total Score: %100

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