
Kinetic Energy



Answer the following questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. Identify the energy possessed by the rolling stone.

2. Write an expression for the kinetic energy of an object.

3. Name the SI unit of Kinetic Energy.

Short Answer Type Questions

4. Which would have greater effect on kinetic energy of an object- doubling the mass, or doubling the velocity?

5. A car and a truck are moving with the same velocity of 50 km h-1. Which one has more kinetic energy? (Mass of truck > Mass of car).

6. How are kinetic energy and momentum related?

7. The kinetic energy of an object of mass 'm' moving with a velocity of 5 ms-1 is 25 J. What will be its kinetic energy when its velocity is doubled?

Long Answer Type Questions

 8. Define Kinetic Energy. Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object.


# Acceptable Unacceptable Partially Accepted Target Score
Very Short Answer Type Questions If there are spelling mistakes, half mark will be deducted If answer is completely wrong, no mark will be awarded If question is partially answered, then half mark will be awarded 1 mark will be given if answer is correct 3
Short Answer Type Questions If there are spelling mistakes, half mark will be deducted If answer is completely wrong, no mark will be awarded If question is partially answered, then one and half mark will be awarded If 100% correct, 3 marks will be awarded 12
Long Answer Type Question If there are spelling mistakes, half mark will be deducted If answer is completely wrong, no mark will be awarded If derivation is incomplete but definition is given, then two and half mark will be awarded If both definition and derivation is given, 5 marks will be awarded 5

Total Score: 20

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