
Saving money



Analytic rubric for the evaluation of the final product:

Beginning 1

Developing 2

Accomplished 3

Exemplary 4



Does not seem to understand the topic at all. Main points are not complete and are greatly lacking in detail. (30x1=3.0

Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Some main points and details are missing.

Shows a good understanding of the topic. Main points are covered but lack some detail.
(30x3=9.0) .

Shows a full understanding of
the topic.
is complete
and enhanced by
accurate and



Uses several words or phrases that are not appropriate. Numerous grammatical and spelling mistakes are made. (25x1=2.5)

Some words are not
appropriate or misused
Or  misspelled. (25x2=5.0)

A few words are not
appropriate or  misused or
misspelled. (25x3=7.5)

Use appropriate
No misspelled
or grammatical


Visual appeal (Design)

Poorly- chosen visuals and use of color and font style. (20x1=2.0)

Visuals are somewhat appealing and some use of color and font style.

Visuals are appealing with use of color and font style.

-looking and visually appealing with the use of colour and font style. (20x4=8.0)

../ 8

Presentati on (the interview) (30%)

Students answer few questions convincingly and show a beginning level of awareness of the similarities and differences between the ways to save money (30x1=3.0)

Students answer some questions convincingly and show a developing level of awareness of the similarities and differences between the ways to save money (30x2=6.0)

Students answer most of the questions convincingly and show a high level of awareness of the similarities and differences between the ways to save money. (30x3=9.0)

Students answer all the questions convincingly and show
the highest
level of awareness of the similarities and differences between the ways to save money. (30x4=12.0)

../ 12

Group Work

(Group work is graded based on the teacher's notes and the peer evaluation form)

No teamwork, poor classroom behavior, failed to meet deadlines and project requirements
. (20x1=2.0)

Poor teamwork, some classroom misbehaviour,
sometimes late to meet deadlines and project requirement s. (20x2=4.0)

Some teamwork, little classroom misbehaviour, met most deadlines and project requirements. (20x3=6.0)

Excellent teamwork, good classroom behavior, worked together to
meet all deadlines and project requirements

../ 8

Total 50


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