
Charting the Course: Social Studies WebQuest



This rubric represents the behavior that the student is having in the lesson class. Rather the student is pay attention to the lesson an evaluation of the students’ progress.


# Standards BELOW grade level 1pt AT grade level 2pt ABOVE grade level 3pt Score
Retell events presented throughout story Unable to retell any information without assistance. Able to retell several events without assistance Able to retell all major events without assistance. 3
Manages Impulsivity: Listens without interrupting Has difficulty listening without interrupting. Often speaks out while others are talking and/ or during quiet time. Listen without interrupting during most of the lesson. Raises hand but becomes anxious if not called on right away. Listens without interrupting for throughout the entire lesson. Raises hand without shouting out and respects other’s turn to speak. 3
Participates: Engages in class discussion Minimal Participation during discussions. Short response. Language is unclear or irrelevant to topic of conversation. Participates during discussions. Clearly answers question and engages in conversation with peers. Leads discussion amongst others. Answer questions, share relevant experiences, generates questions. 3

Total Score: 9


  • Rubic
    Description: This rubic is based on how well the student particpates in class lesson.

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