
Understanding a Baseball Scorecard



You will be graded in two main areas. Being able to read a scorebook and being able to write down in the book the proper abbreviations and symbols. Each student will be given a pre-made book, containing symbols and abbreviations of a baseball game. The student will have to translate what the book means. Next, the student will be given certain terms, and will then be asked to write down what the terms mean. A quiz is attached at the bottom to see where you are at.


# Poor Average Good Excellent Score
Reading Can't read any of the abbreviations/symbols. Able to read and translate what some abbreviations/symbols mean. Able to read and translate what most of the abbreviations/symbols mean. Able to read and translate what all abbreviations/symbols mean. 5 Points Possible
Writing Can't translate any terms into its proper abbreviations/symbols. Can only translate some terms into their proper abbreviations/symbols. Can translate most terms into their proper abbreviations/symbols. Able to translate all terms into their proper abbreviations/terms. 5 Points Possible

Total Score: 10


  • Score Keeping Quiz
    Description: This quiz will give you an idea as to where your understanding is on keeping book for a baseball game.

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