
El mundo del trabajo


La rúbrica de abajo servirá como guía mientras completas cada paso del proyecto. Tu nota final dependerá de tu capacidad para para completar cada paso, de tu capacidad para utilizar el vocabulario, de la calidad de tu currículum y de la calidad de tu presentación final.


# 5 4 3 2 Score
Task completion Fully addresses and completes all components of the task. Appropriately addresses and completes nearly all of the components of the task. Addresses and completes only part of the task. Inadequate completion of the task.
Vocabulary Rich and accurate use of vocabulary related to the unit including personal vocabulary. Adequate and accurate use of vocabulary related to the unit. Somewhat inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary and very basic for this level. Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of vocabulary.
Currículum Currículum is clear and concise and includes all necessary elements. Currículum is clear and includes most of the necessary elements. Currículum is somewhat clear and includes some of the necessary elements. Currículum is difficult to understand and does not include any of the necessary elements.
Presentación Speech flows and contains few pauses. Makes a very clear argument for wanting job and details of the job align perfectly with skills and interests. Speech flows and hesitations occur but seem natural. Makes a good argument for wanting job and details of the job mostly align with skills and interests. Speech is interrupted by frequent hesitations. Makes a good argument for wanting job but details of the job only somewhat align with skills and interests. Speech is slow and halting; long pauses occur. Is unable to make a clear argument for wanting job and details of the job do not align with skills and interests.

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