
4th grade Solar System and Stars WebQuest




# 4 (Excellent) 3 (Very Good) 2 (Evolving) 1 (poor) Score
Science Content All Science Content was complete and correct Most Science Content was complete and correct Some Science Content was complete and correct Most Science content was neither complete nor correct
Language Skills (punctuation, capitalization, spelling and word usage) The use of appropriate language skills in the written descriptions of ALL elements was evident The use of appropriate language skills in the written descriptions of MOST elements was evident The use of appropriate language skills in the written descriptions of SOME elements was evident The use of appropriate language skills in the written descriptions of FEW elements was evident
Oral Presentation (loud, clear, eye contact, good expression) Excellent quality: All criteria for oral presentation were met High quality: Most criteria for oral presentation were met Good quality: Many criteria for oral presentation were met None of the criteria for oral presentation were met
Attractiveness of Presentations and Models All presentations and models were neat and attractive Most presentations and models generally neat and attractive Some presentations and models were neat and attractive Few presentations and models were neat and attractive

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