
Escape From Poland



# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Introduction Poster Poorly Done Some Facts and pictures. Poster works okay to presentation. True and Relevant Facts. Good Understading. True, Relevant, and Concise pictures. Definate understanding of this time. %25
Diary Entries Poorly Done Irrelevant facts Little or no emotion Some relevance to the writing Some emotion present Good relevance to the emotions that the people in the camps must have felt. Excellent relevance and plenty of emotion. Your work gives the reader a feel of what it must have felt like to be there. %40
One Page Report (Escape Plan and What was Learned) Poorly Done. Limited facts no understanding about what happened during this time. Some facts, limited understanding about what happened during this time. Some grammatical errors present Good facts. Goods understanding about the events that shaped the families in this time. Few (if any) grammatical errors Complete understanding of what happened at this time in history. Few (if any) grammatical errors. %35

Total Score: %100

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