
Preparing for a Trip




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Fullfilling Roles and Responsibility Student did not complete his or her part of the assignment and did not fulfill the obligations of the role they were given in the web quest. Student completed his or her assigned role for the web quest, but required several reminders from teacher and fellow students. Student completed his or her role in the assignment with minimal assistance and/or verbal reminders. Student demonstrated a sound understanding of his or her role in the webquest, finished the task in a timely manner, and was actively involved in the planning and completion of the assignment. %25
Listening and Following Directions Student did not listen and was always off task. Student did not follow directions. Student stayed on task occassionally and had difficulty listening and following directions. Student listened and stayed on task most of the the time. Student had little difficulty following directions. Student always listened and stayed on task for the entirety of the lesson. Student followed directions when completing tasks and participating in the assignment. %25
Understanding of Concepts Project results do not display an understanding of one or more of the following: persuasive writing, planning events, compare and contrast lists, or us of graphic organizers Project results do not display an understanding of two or more of the following: persuasive writing, planning events, compare and contrast lists, or us of graphic organizers Project results do not display an understanding of three or more of the following: persuasive writing, planning events, compare and contrast lists, or us of graphic organizers Project results display an understanding of all of the following: persuasive writing, planning events, compare and contrast lists, or us of graphic organizers %40
Presentation of Assignment Project was not presented in a professional way that held the audience's interest, handwriting and illustrations were not legible Handwriting and Illustrations were somewhat legible but the project was not presented in a way that held the audience's interest Handwriting and Illustrations were legible but the project was not presented in a way that did not hold the audience's interest Handwriting and Illustrations were legible and the project was presented in a professional way that held the audience's interest %10

Total Score: %100

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