
What Matters Most!



   Your  collage will be evaluated according to the following Criteria for success:

1. Attention to theme

2.Campaign or Shout out



For your reference please visit the attached file below "Rubric in Science Making  a Collage"


# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Examplary 4 Score
Attention to theme The students’ choice of images, pictures and videos gives explanations that are weak and illustrate difficulty understanding how to relate items to the assigned theme. The students’ choice of images, pictures and videos gives a fairly reasonable explanation of how most items in the collage are related to the assigned theme. The students’ choice of images, pictures and videos gives a reasonable explanation of how most items in the collage are related to the assigned theme. For many of the items, the relationship is clear without explanation. The students’ choice of images, pictures and images gives a reasonable explanation of how every item in the collage is related to the assigned theme. For most items, the relationship is clear without explanation. _______
Campaign or Shout out The campaign or shout out is not accurate. Students create an accurate campaign or shout out but it does not adequately address the issue Students create an accurate campaign or shout out that adequately addresses the issue. Students create an original, accurate and interesting campaign or shout out that adequately addresses the issue. __________
Creativity The student did not make or customize any of the items on the collage. One or two graphic images, pictures and videos used in the collage were made by the student, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. One or two of the graphic images, pictures and videos used in the collage reflect student creativity in their creation and display. Several of the graphic images, pictures and videos used in the collage reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and display. ___________
Originality Uses other people's ideas, but does not give them credit. Uses other people’s ideas (giving them credit), but there is little evidence of original thinking. Product shows some original thought. Work shows new ideas and insights. Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive. _________

Total Score:



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