
Independence Movements in Latin America



# Unsatisfactory 1pt Developing 2pts Very Good 3pts Exemplary 4pts Score
Web Quest Information Search and Worksheet Student does not demonstrate mastery of information found on worksheet. Worksheet incomplete, information missing, does not use class time efficiently to complete task. Student has some information missing on worksheet and does not show proficient use of time in class. Student uses class time efficiently to complete task and has most of the information correct on web quest. Student demonstrates mastery of subject material and uses class time efficiently to complete task. %25
Compare/Contrast Essay: preparation and use of resources. Student does not use class time and resources to formulate working argument. Student uses class time, but lacks concrete use of resources to formulate a working argument. Student uses class time well and uses necessary resources to create a solid argument. Student uses class time and resources to the best of their ability and creates a solid and exemplary working argument. %25
Compare/Contrast Essay: Argument and Body Student does not have a clear thesis and argument does not follow correct compare/contrast essay format. Student has a developing thesis but argument and analysis is unclear and not supported by resources. Student demonstrates good use of resources to create a strong argument and provides good analysis to demonstrate their knowledge of the material. Student demonstrates mastery of material with a solid argument, good use of resources and presents paper in clear and understandable format based on paper outline and directions. %25
Compare/Contrast Essay: formatting and mechanics Student does not proofread paper for typographical, formatting, grammar and spelling errors. Student has some typographical, formatting, grammar and spelling errors. Student demonstrates good proofreading skills to correct typographical, formatting, grammar and spelling errors. Student demonstrates exemplary ability in formatting and proofreading essay. %25

Total Score: %100

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