
The Trial 0f President Kennedy



This chart will help you know how your work will be evaluated.


# Basic Developing Meeting the criteria Above the criteria Score
Group work The group succeeded in doing some work, and showed that they could cooperate to achieve results. The group was organized and carried out their work, working well together. The group was organized and worked well together in a motivated fashion. The group worked in an organized manner, were able to fulfill the assignment and develop a deeper understanding, or help other groups to success.
Use of resources The group used some of the resources in a limited way. The groups used all of the resources, but not fully. The group used all of the resources to achieve the tasks. The group used the resources to fulfill the assignment and could evaluate the resources and set them into perspective.
The pre trial tasks The group completed most of the tasks. The group completed the tasks,and were able to produce well thought out products. The group completed all the tasks, demonstrated an ability to communicate well, and showed an increasing awareness of the issues involved The group completed the tasks in a way that demonstated skills in communication, and that they have developed a deep insight.
The Trial role play The class carried out the trial in a roleplay. Each group managed to participate satisfactorily and it was possible to come to a verdict. The class carried out the trial in a roleplay. Each group understood their roles, and participated satisfactorily.A good case was built to reach the final verdict. The class carried out the trial in a roleplay. Each group fully understood their roles, and participated satisfactorily.A good case was built to reach the final verdict.The trial demonstrated that the students had an awareness of the issues involved and were able to communicate well. The class carried out the trial in a roleplay. Each group fully understood their roles, and participated satisfactorily.A good case was built to reach the final verdict.The trial demonstrated that the students had an awareness of the moral, historical and legal issues involved and were able to communicate on a high level using that awareness. After carefully considering the evidence, a verdict was made

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