
Team Sports




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Introduction from the report (Team Sports). The students must be able to present their report in a very fast manner they must not waste their time in the introduction part. The students must know how to discipline the class. The reporters must have their time management in giving out their reports. Summarization of the report. Each reporter must have their mastery of their reports. %25
Discussion of the History of the sports(e.g. Basketball..) The reporters must be able to discuss all the origin of the sport. They must be able to discuss the time line of the history. They must know how to handle their time in reporting. Summarization of the report. Each reporter must have their mastery of their reports. %25
Presenting of the following equipments in each group per sports. The reporters must be able to discuss all the use of each equipments. They must know how to use the following equipments. They must know how to handle their time in reporting. Summarization of the report. Each reporter must have their mastery of their reports. %25
Demonstration of the sports They must be able to know all the basic skills. They must know the proper executions. They must know how to handle their time in reporting. They must know how to handle their students behavior, if there's already playing outside the room. %25

Total Score: %100

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