
The Giver Novel Study




# Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Improvement 1 pt. Score
Organization Well thought-out, clear, carefully planned - sequential structure. Clear, easy to follow, and logical. Difficult to understand and follow when reviewing project.
Content Student openly engages in the activity, based on past experiences, interacting with the text and internal beliefs. Content accurately reflects student's beliefs and experiences, and interacts with the text. Content does not reflect student beliefs or does not interact with The Giver.
Writing Mechanics Less than 3 errors in grammar and spelling. Between 3 and 6 errors in grammar and spelling. More than 6 errors in grammar and spelling.
Creativity and Neatness TOTAL: 6 PTS. Project displays creativity that exceeds 7th Grade level student. Exceptional artwork and handwriting displayed on project. TOTAL 4 PTS. Project is presented in an interesting manner. Easy to read, colorful artwork. TOTAL 1 PT. Project does not display creativity expected at a 7th Grade level. Illegible handwriting, poorly prepared artwork.

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