
The Lifestyle and Habits of Jane Austen's Characters



# Score
Research and notetaking The research performed by the individual was minimal or non-existent. The individual made efforts to complete research and take notes but had difficulty accomplishing the task. This individual did a good job evaluating sources and took good notes on the information that they found. The individual evaluated all of the sources and found some on their own; they took excellent notes to use in their character's resume. 35
Character Profile The resume has little or no structure and reflects minimal knowledge of the character. The resume reflects that the individual has made an effort to complete the resume, but failed to complete the task and had little structure. The individual did a good job illustrating his/her knowledge of the time period and character, but did not present the information in a structured format. The resume reflected an in depth knowledge of the time period and the character, while presenting the information in a well structured format. 35
Presentation of character The individual had a minimal presentation of the character, did not come with an object to present, and did not present him/herself as the character. The individual made an effort to complete the presentation but had great difficulty and the presentation was inadequate. The individual completed the presentation of the resume proficiently and did a good job delivering it to the class. He/she came with an object to present to the class. The individual came well prepared for the presentation. He/she did an outstanding job delivering the resume to the class and came with an object to share with the class. He/she acted the part of the character very well. 30

Total Score: 100

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