
Dinosaur Discovery



Scientists always do their best and that is what is expected of most assistants too. Your work will be evaluated by your participation in completing the steps of your task, the information you gathered in your notebook and worksheets and your group's final report.


# Emerging Developing Competent Proficient Score
Participation and Cooperation I participated some of the time but was off task a lot. I did not help my group members much at all. I participated most of the time but sometimes I was off task. I helped my group members most of the time. I participated in all the activities and was mostly on task. I helped my group members. I participated in all the activities and stayed on task. I helped my group members and I did not get bossy. 8
Information gathered in notebook I had the name of 1 dinosaur. I had at 1 fact about the dinosaur's size or movement. I had at least 1 fact about what the dinosaur ate. I had the name of 2 dinosaurs. I had at least 2 facts about the size and movement of the dinosaurs. I had at least 1 fact about what the dinosaurs ate. I had the name of 2 dinosaurs. I had 2 or more facts about the size and movement of each of the dinosaurs. I had 2 or more facts about the type of eater at least 1 of the dinosaurs was. I included 2 names of dinosaurs I wanted to model our group's dinosaur after. I had more than 2 facts about size and movement of the 2 dinosaurs. I had more than 2 facts about the type of eater the 2 dinosaurs were. 8
Information in outline for report I used some of my information and some of the outline was left blank. I used some of my information and two or more facts were in the wrong place. I used most of my information but some was in the wrong place. I used all my information in the outline in an organized way. 8
Final Report Punctuation Capitalization Words Neatness Neatness I use only a few punctuation marks on my sentences. I use the right action word form with only a few of my nouns. I use very few synonyms for words I write a lot. I rarely use the dictionary to spell words I don't know. My letters are rarely written clearly. I rarely leave white spaces between my words. I use punctuation on some of my sentences. I use synonyms for some of the words I write a lot. I use the right action word form with some of my nouns. I use the dictionary sometimes to spell words I don't know. My letters are written clearly some of the time. I leave white spaces between my words some of the time. I use punctuation on most of my sentences. I use synonyms for most of the words I write a lot. I use the right action word form with most of my nouns. I use the dictionary most of the time to spell words I don't know. Most of my letters are written clearly. I leave white spaces between my words most of the time. I use a period at the end of each sentence. I use a question mark at the end of each question. I use an exclamation point at the end of an exclamation. I use commas between words in a list. I use synonyms for words I write a lot. I used the right action word form with my nouns. I use the dictionary to spell words I don't know. My letters are written clearly. I leave white spaces between my words. 8

Total Score: 32

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