
Dress for Success-Learn How to Present Yourself Well



# Beginning 1 0-2 Developing 2 3-5 Very Good 6-7 Exemplary 8-10 Score
Online Search Student did not conduct the online search and has 0 sources. Student conducted online search and used 1 source to answer the questions. Student conducted online search and used 2 sources to answer the questions. Student conducted online search and used 3 or more sources to answer the questions. %25
Sited Sources Student sited source(s) with 1-3 answers or sited no sources. Student sited source(s) with 4-6 answers. Student sited source(s) with 7-9 answers. Student sited ALL sources used to answer the questions. %25
Answered Questions Student answered 4 questions or less and/or did not provide gender specific answers (if applicable). Student answered atleast 5 questions with reliable sources and provided gender specific answers (if applicable). Student answered atleast 7 questions with reliable sources and provided gender specific answers (if applicable). Student answered all questions using reliable sources. Student provided gender specific answers (if applicable). %25
Language Mechanics STudent has 8 or more grammatical errors. Student has 4-7 grammatical errors. Student has 1-3 grammatical errors. Student used complete sentences and grammar, spelling, and puncuation is correct for ALL answers. %25

Total Score: %100

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