
The London Tour



Your own presentation, as well as your team's, will be evaluated according to the following criteria:


# Beginning Developing Very Good Examplary Score
Ideas/Research Questions Researchers identify, with considerable help from the teacher, 3reasonable ideas to pursue when doing the research. Researchers identify, with some help from the teacher, at least 3 reasonable ideas/questions to pursue when doing the research. Researchers independently identify at least 3 reasonable ideas to pursue when doing the research. Researchers independently identify at least 3 reasonable, insightful, creative ideas to pursue when doing the research. 4
Delegation of Responsibility One or more students in the group cannot clearly explain what information they are responsible for locating. Each student in the group can, with minimal prompting from peers, clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating. Each student in the group can clearly explain what information s/he is responsible for locating. Each student in the group can clearly explain what information is needed by the group, what information s/he is responsible for locating, and when the information is needed. 4
Plan for Organizing Information Students have no clear plan for organizing the information AND/OR students in the group cannot explain their organizational plan. Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered. All students can independently explain most of this plan. Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information in the final research product. All students can independently explain this plan. Students have developed a clear plan for organizing the information as it is gathered and in the final research product. All students can independently explain the planned organization of the research findings. 4
Quality of Sources Researchers, with extensive teacher or peer help, locate at least 2 reliable information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers, with some teacher or peer help, locate at least 2 reliable information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers independently locate at least 2 reliable information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. Researchers independently locate at least 2 reliable, interesting information sources for EACH of their ideas or questions. 4

Total Score: 16

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