
The Girl Who Owned A City



Webquest Rubric

The Girl Who Owned a City Journal

Student Name






# 1 2 3 4 Score
Narrative Responses Does not answer questions. Errors are numerous and distract from readability of the assignment. Does not answer all questions. Uses simple sentences and has several grammatical errors in the assignment. Answers questions. Uses more complex sentence structure with few grammar errors, but they do not interfere with readability. Answers questions clearly. Writes in complete sentences without grammatical errors. Creative and original thoughts are found in the assignment. Points
Map Map is incomplete, unlabeled or mislabeled and shows a lack of effort for the assignment Map is mislabeled, lacks neatness, and fairly relevant to the assignment Map is labeled with few errors that do not take away from the project and drawings are fairly neat in appearance and relevant to the assignment Map is labeled correctly and drawings are neat in visual appearance and relevant to the assignment Points
Journal Entries/Activities 8 Journal activities are incomplete and almost no attempt was made 8 Journal activities are incomplete but some attempt was made 8 Journal activities are mostly completed. 8 Journal activities are correctly completed Points
Speech Errors are numerous and distract from readability. No awareness of purpose of given assignment. Has a few sentences and grammatical errors. Lacks originality and limited awareness of assignment Has minor errors in sentence structure and grammar, but they do not interfere with speech. Some creativity Writes in complete sentences without grammatical errors. Creative and original thoughts Points

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