
A Quest for Native Accent Reduction





# Advanced (4pts) Proficient (3pts) Novice (2pts) Beginner(0pts) Score
Enthusiasm for Project Shows a lot of enthusiasm and commitment to the project. Shows enthusiasm for project. Shows some hesitant interest in the project. Lacks interest in the project.
Resources Used More than 3 well researched websites with many possible exercises. Several informative websites with sufficient exercises to support the goal. Inappropriate or insufficient websites to support the goal. Inappropriate or insufficient websites to support the goal.
Exercises Student’s log shows daily active practice of several accent training exercises. Student’s log shows daily active practice of an accent training exercise. Student’s log shows accent training exercises attempted, but infrequently practiced. Student’s log shows few accent training exercises attempted and no practice.
Accent Reduction Accomplished Significant reduction of accent. No compromise of listener comprehension. Clearly, some reduction of accent. Listener comprehension less frequently compromised by accent. Your boss will be pleased! Some evidence of accent reduction. Listener comprehension is still compromised by accent. Little evidence of accent reduction.

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