
Internal Organisation Environment - Organisational Structure



Presentation Rubric

KNOWLEDGE:    4 3 2 1 0
 Shows an understanding of the material
 Able to answer questions

PARTICIPATION:   4 3 2 1 0
 Does their “fair share” in presenting the material
 Participates in each part of the presentation

LENGTH:     4 3 2 1 0
 Long enough to adequately cover assigned material

CONTENT:    4 3 2 1 0
 Topic covered thoroughly
 Enough information given to understand topic
 Did not exclude any important information or include
  any unnecessary information

DESIGN:     4 3 2 1 0
 Very creative
 Easy to see and follow
 Did not include any unncessary graphics

 Included class in the learning process
 Did more than lecture to the class 

TOTAL ________
23-24  A
21-22  B
18-20  C
16-17  D
0-15    F

Group Work Rubric








0    1

  2    3    4

 5    6    7

  8    9    10


-Seldom cooperative

-Did not do any work

-Rarely offered useful ideas

-Sometimes cooperative

-Could have done more

-Sometimes offered useful ideas 


-Did their part of the work

-Usually offered useful ideas

-Always willing to help and do more

-Did more than others

-Routinely offered useful ideas

Working with others

     0    1

  2    3    4

  5    6    7

  8    9    10


-Rarely listens to, shares with, or supports the efforts of others.

-Often is not a good team memeber

-Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others.

-Sometimes not a good team member

-Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others.

-Does not cause problems in the group

-Always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others.

-Tries to keep people working together.

Focus on the task

    0     1   

  2    3    4

  5    6    7

 8     9    10


-Does not focus on the task and what needs to be done.

-Lets others do the work.

-Sometimes focuses on the task and what needs to be done.

- Other group members must prod and remind to keep this person on task.

-Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time.

-Group members can count on this person.

-Almost always focused on the task and what needs to be done.

-This person is very self-directed.

Organisation Chart Rubric






Elements of the chart

The chart  includes all required elements as well as additional information such as the date.

All required elements are included on the chart.


Parts of the required elements are included on the chart.


Required elements are missing.


All labels can be read

Almost all labels can be read


Some labels can be read


Labels cannot be read or are missing


The chart is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.


The chart is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.


The chart is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.

The chart is distractingly messy or very poorly designed.


There are no grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the chart.

There are 1-2 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the chart.

There are 3-4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the chart.

There are more than 4 grammatical/ mechanical mistakes on the chart.



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