




# Unsatisfactory 1 Satisfactory 2 Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Originality Did not make or customise any of the items. One or two graphics or objects were created or customised, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. One or two graphics or objects used reflect creativity in creation and/or display. Several graphics or objects reflect an exceptional degree of creativity in their creation and/or display. 25%
Composition Titles and/or text are hard to read. Titles and text were written clearly and easy to read. There was little variation in the appearance of text. Titles and text were written clearly and easy to read. Text varied in colour and size for different text elements. Titles and text were written clearly and easy to read. Text varied in colour, size and style for different text elements. 25%
Portrayal of Design Theme Explanations and illustrations were weak and difficult to understand how the items were related to the theme. Reasonable explanation on items related to the theme. Most items were related to the theme. For many of the items, the relationship is clear without explanation. Every item was related to the theme. The relationship is clear without explanation for all the items. 25%
Impact/ message Graphics were of inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing. Graphics have appropriate size and shape. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement. Graphics have appropriate size and interesting shape. However, the product does not appear balanced. Graphics have appropriate size and interesting shape. Care has been taken to balance the graphics across the product. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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